Monday, March 30, 2009

Bon Voyage......

My contribution to the 4SQS5 is on its way over the seas. I sure hope my partner likes it as much as I do. The funny part was that I put pink down as the colour that I didn't want used for my quilt; fate played it's hand and landed me with a pink quilt to make. Must have been teaching me a lesson. I worked with the pink and turned out this beauty which I am very happy with. Now I can sit back and await the arrival of my quilt, wonder who's sending to me?? Here's part of an email I received in my inbox today. Thought I would share. It made me smile; hope it makes you smile too.


Lindi said...

I like the Seasons quilt, Kerry. I'll take note that you aren't keen on pink! ;)

Simone de Klerk said...

Today I received your gorgeous quilt. The picture doesn't do it right. It is such a beauty, with some lovely stitchery flowers. You really really made me very happy with it, dear Kerry. Thank you so much (O: Liefs, Simone

Mary Grace McNamara said...

Hi Kerry, I love the pink quilt! I sent you an email because your name was drawn as the winner of my 300th post giveaway. If you didn't get the email, just let me know! I'd like to start making your cotton cloths and get them to you soon!