Saturday, January 31, 2009

In the nick of time....maybe

Jo Jo over at Home Sweet Home is having a giveaway which I am sure you all know about. Because she was such a lovely lady and gave us all heaps of time to enter, I took heaps of time. I have just snuck a turn on the computer and found that she is closing and drawing tonight! It's now or never, let's hope I didn't miss the boat already. Happy Blogaversary Jo Jo; and here's three things I just can't do without!
Oh, and I have been sewing today, back soon with some pics.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Tea for Two.......

A weekend away visiting my favourite Aunt, and look what we've been up to. These pincushions came from a book of Japanese fabric crafts and aint they sweet. We also enjoyed a visit to the cinema to see the movie "Australia" and weren't disappointed with that either. A great weekend had by all!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

A Neglectful Friend.........

Look what my best buddy made me for Christmas! And me? Well I've been very neglectful and haven't even shown it off to you all. Firstly I had to catch up with other things I needed to blog about; then recharge the camera, then find the camera cord.........and we won't even mention the fact that my gift hasn't been completed yet! But we did discuss this prior to Christmas and we were holding over if we didn't make the deadline - no pressure required. Narelle just surprised me, and did better than me and got hers done on time. I'll have to put in extra effort won't I??
Since last posting we have both enjoyed a wonderful shopping trip, made all the more fun because it was shared with four other wonderful friends and we just had a ball. I think Narelle tells how many shops we visited, every patchwork shop we could find plus many more, made all the more fun as it was sales galore!
If you've noticed the cute addition to my sidebar; I've joined in with the Secret Easter Swap, if my linking works, you might like to join in too.
There is also a great giveaway for some lovely fabrics at laniejane. Who doesn't need some new fabric, and they are georgeous!!

Monday, January 5, 2009

Another Finish........

Here's the green minkee which was all finished and sent off to its destination in time for Christmas gift giving. This is the third one of these off the production line, this one however, having the striped fabric as the alternate blocks instead of a second applique block. The backing fabric was really pretty too (as you can see in the second photo below), and it was then used as the binding also.

I've caught up with my backlog of blog posts. There is plenty of blogging excitement with the Whirl Into Winter giveaways and New Year's resolutions.
Back Soon!!

Sunday, January 4, 2009

And yet another win...

It has been so long since I posted or visited in blogland. Bloglines says I have over 300 posts left to read! So I thought I'd pop on and wish everyone a happy new year. Firstly I have some lovely things to show. I won a giveaway on Paula's blog which included the georgeous snowman, scarf, fabric and choccies below and the lovely bears claw mini quilt a bit further below. We were both surprised at the speed at which it arrived and I was able to enjoy the choccies immediately and display the snowman for Christmas too. And then....
this lovely collection arrived from Busy Thimbles.
Let's hope my good fortune continues in 2009!
And then this came too! It's an award from Julie from I wonder what would happen if....
What a lovely surprise. Go see Julie's blog for some wonderful inspiration. I was lucky enough to have the magazine she herself was published in, so could check it out for myself.
It's my turn to pass on the award to 8 inspirational bloggers. When I have finished choosing; out of the so many wonderful blogs to choose from, I'll let you know. In the mean time here's some things about me you might (or might not) like to know about.

Here are the rules to play the game:
1. When you are tagged you are asked to list eight random facts about yourself and post them on your blog for visitors to enjoy.
2. Tag eight of your blogging friends and leave them a comment that they have been tagged and to join in the fun if they have the opportunity. (If not, that's okay. They can still enjoy the random facts everyone shares:) Be sure to list a link to your eight friends in your posting.

Eight facts about me...

1. I love chocolate.
2. I love shopping, especially quilt related with quilty friends.
3. I enjoy spending time with family and friends, especially quilty friends.
4. I enjoy quiet times sewing at home, or with our quilt group.
5. I have three children, the oldest off to uni this year, the youngest starting high school.
6. I love cats.
7. I thoroughly enjoy meeting new people in blogland, more so than reality as I'm too shy.
8. Did I mention that I loved chocolate? oh, and good coffee too.

There, that was a bit of fun. I'll be back to share the fun around a bit, real soon.
I'm looking forward to a bit of number 2, mid week, so that will give me some more fun to share.