Look what my best buddy made me for Christmas! And me? Well I've been very neglectful and haven't even shown it off to you all. Firstly I had to catch up with other things I needed to blog about; then recharge the camera, then find the camera cord.........and we won't even mention the fact that my gift hasn't been completed yet! But we did discuss this prior to Christmas and we were holding over if we didn't make the deadline - no pressure required.
Narelle just surprised me, and did better than me and got hers done on time. I'll have to put in extra effort won't I??
Since last posting we have both enjoyed a wonderful shopping trip, made all the more fun because it was shared with four other wonderful friends and we just had a ball. I think Narelle tells how many shops we visited, every patchwork shop we could find plus many more, made all the more fun as it was sales galore!
If you've noticed the cute addition to my sidebar; I've joined in with the Secret Easter Swap, if my linking works, you might like to join in too.
There is also a great giveaway for some lovely fabrics at
laniejane. Who doesn't need some new fabric, and they are georgeous!!