The month has flown by, I can't believe that it has been so long since I last posted on here, but it has. I have finally heard that my parcels have arrived at there destinations, so heres a looksee at what I sent to the winners. This top collection of goodies went to Helen of
Hugs from Helen fame. It was nice to send something to Helen after winning her new pattern from her blog release. And when she received it, she said that she didn't even relise she had entered, so how's that for a nice surprise in the mail.

This next collection went to
Ulla in Sweden. Ulla has also sent me a collection of lovely fabric pieces, and is also one of my pif pals, so we have had a giftee each in this one too, and of course Ulla will receive again when I get those pif done.

So that brings to a close my 50th post draw. Now on to the next 50. I have been a stitchin! I'm getting a collection of stitcheries and hexies.....all of which is creating a pile of ufo's. I'm enjoying stitching in front of the tele (under a quilt of course), on these chilly nights; except for one which was so cold I couldn't keep my hands out from under the quilt. But haven't put anything together with them yet. We have people who finish our quilts for us, maybe I need a finisher to finish other things too.
School holidays start again at the end of the week, so not sure how much time I will have at either stitching or blogging. But, as an added bonus, my eldest comes home for a month from university. It will be so nice to have him as part of the household again, even just for a while.
Till next time....x